Story behind a 'famous' profile picture!

Well, having a facebook profile picture with 100+likes named to it is not a cakewalk and not everyone has the honour to possess it. In fact it's a lengthy procedure involving many people. Yes, single person's picture having numerous people to it's credit, as is the fad these days.

*Please know, if you're an anti-social (me me!), this honour is probably not for you. Keep reading and you'll know why.*

1. This first step itself is not clicking a picture. Foremostly, you must have a very very long friend list, in which adding even unknown people would do. You just need public for your photos and security is no matter at all.

2. Then, you must know the language of aww's, hugs, kisses & muahh's ; in short, all the mushy things. Do work on your diction if you still don't.

3. Now go and click a picture; most preferably contact a popular photography page, or a selfie would just do.

4. Then of all your friends, choose someone with great editing talent to use the best of effects that would hide all the flaws like acne and create an eye-catching image.

5. Send it to atleast 5 of your closest friends for the sake of seeking an Approval. And of course, one of them will love it so much that you'll have to make a special mention about it.

6. Now comes a very important part, the Caption, for it plays an essential role in attracting 'likes'. And so, it has a few components in itself.
a] The first part of a caption comprises of a quote for the picture, which may or may not be related to the pic (in most cases, it's not).
b] Then, the credits. Firstly you'll have to thank the one who clicked it or if it's a selfie, mention with a hashtag'#' (as if people can't figure it out). Second, the approval credit, for their opinion means so much to you.
c] Finally, a special mention for the one who utterly loved the pic, just to denote you're loving them back with an 'ILYSM <3' - I Love You So Much (Yeah, really -_-).
And that's how it's just done. Next is the flooding of likes and laudatory comments and if you're lucky enough you'll even get a feature in one of those 'Famous People' pages. So, there is the happy & famous you!

- Hope you know there exists something called 'sarcasm'. Thank you :D


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