.. And then I was home.

My phone rang at 6:08 pm. A familiar voice on the other end said, "Ma'am I've reached your location. Where are you?". I took a moment to respond. 
"But I never called for a cab?"
"Okay then, I'll cancel the ride, but now that I'm here you'd have to pay." 
I laughed nervously. 
"Ok stop it. I'll be there in five."
I hung up the phone and rushed to the mirror to notice that I looked mediocre. Is that how you go out with someone for the first time? Could have put some effort atleast, done my hair better maybe? 
Nevermind, I rushed out of my house, and onto the 'location' where I saw him, smiling that bright smile, and for once all of my anxiety disappeared. I couldn't help but just look at him, wide eyed. 
I sat beside him, and gazed at him from the back as if a window to a whole new world was about to open up for me in the next three hours. 
There's never an awkward moment with him. We kept talking and laughing over random stupid things. I don't know if he knew it, he put me at ease. 
The first hour, he got me to meet the best company ever, stray puppers. We got milk for them cute babies that ran leaping small but fast steps towards him as he ran around whistling. And I stood there completely in awe with him. Dogs have always been my happy space. How could he make this perfect choice of place to begin with? How did he just know?  
The second hour came with a "let me make this awkward for you!" vibe. We ordered sandwich, and I spilled the stuffing all over me, like a kid who is still learning to eat. Wait no, I would let him see this careless side of me, just not so early. That was, embarrassing. 
"Damn, I don't even know why everytime. I cannot eat in public. I'm so stupid."
But he saved me from sinking into my usual self loathing mode. He made a joke on himself, and told me that I was completely fine. That meant the world to the vulnerable self I was at that moment. By then I knew I was wearing my heart on the sleeve. 
The third hour, I was high and in love. He always has a sea of stories to narrate, and a hell lot of good advice when you need. The way back to home was a compilation of both. I hugged him tight when it was time to leave, maybe that was vodka, or I wouldn't have told him how I felt. 
"You're an amazing person. I had the best day ever." 
He wasn't prepared for that of course. 
"I know this is not showing on my face, but I feel so happy right now", he said bit awkwardly. 
I just smiled at him for a while. 
Do you ever meet a person and feel like you just walked into home? Everything is so effortless, it just falls into place without you even trying. All of your anxieties and fears don't belong to you anymore. Like your life just lit up and you're happier than ever before. 
It was getting late. I had to go back home. Though I never wanted to leave. I wanted to stay, and talk a little more, laugh a little more, and fall in love a lot more. 


  1. Its just the simple things, Abhishek. Thank you 😊

  2. Woaah !! 😯 This is lit .
    Who is this ‘mystery guy’ ? He must be lucky af . 🤓

  3. It's pretty. Didn't know that you were still writing here! What a pleasant surprise :)

  4. I know,posted after ages. Thank you for the read though :)


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