Of Something You Wanna Crush.

So far I've imagined a thousand scenarios about how I'm gonna be meeting that one guy who I can put a 'mine' tag onto. Everything would be so like a fairy tale. He would be, of course, the most handsome guy I ever set my eyes on. Ours would be a perfect story, with equal share of highs and lows, and everything would be so good, that....that....
I start to feel drunk,..and.. 
Okay let's puke creepiness.
Almost seventeen years into this life, especially the last year has definitely taught me that things like 'fairy tale love stories' do NOT hold for real life. And as per my experiences, there's no love, there's just a story, a random shitty story with no meaning,..that its completely useless, just like this line.
Having a crush on someone is one of the most disturbing things your mind can ever do to you. I really don't understand the mechanism of crushing. Is it something like, you see someone, look at them again, now you're checking them out, and in the next few minutes you declare to yourself, "Yeah, I choose this person as my primary stalking goal, thereby giving them all the rights to ruin my mood cycle, make me feel insecure, ugly and high on idiocy". 
So all they gotta do is exist, and the rest you leave to your brain, your mighty brain.
Basically, its all upto to you. If you like someone, you got two ways to proceed. One, go and tell them (lol lol lol). Two, keep stalking them on every social network, being into an imaginary relationship with them, where actually they might not have a clue about your existence, but you've already named your kids, nvm. And the latter defines ME! 
And I'm telling you I'm such an actress. No matter how badly I'm into this person, no wonder I already know which school his n'th cousin studies in, no doubt I can tell you about his current favourite song, all without having a single word ever with him,.. if you randomly ask me about him, I would deny being aware of his existence, with a straight 'blank' face. Okay, so I'm also a secret agent. (btw I work only if the interest is mine or best friend's) 
So the point is, I'm a douchebag when it comes to guys, yeah just like every other aspect of life. At the same time, I'm happy to have realized that I do not even need a guy to give my standing its worth. Crushes are crazy, mere function of time, and so is this phase. Every other one makes you feel 'this time its perfect', but you know perfect is not an existing entity, it's you, your naïve teenage brain. So if you have a hopeless crush on someone, and its not taking you anywhere, just landing up in a self-shaming mood,..take this piece of wisdom.." do NOT take it seriously."
Enough from my side for now. 
Excuse me while I put on my detective glasses back.


  1. "I'm a douchebag when it comes to guys, yeah just like every other aspect of life."

    Yeah, just like every other aspect of life. SO ME!!

  2. We're bros. Right. Cheers to the douchebag-ness.


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