Mathematically challenged.

Of course, the title points out to me. A 12th standard Math student, who sucks at Math, but is courageous (read stupid) enough to let herself fall in a damp squib of calculus and logarithms.
I definitely share a love-hate relationship with the subject.
Okay sometimes I kinda like the numbers and the logics. I think its pretty cool when you can find out how many Sundays you're gonna have in a year, or how many hours on an average a human gets to sleep, and,interesting stuff like that. But, but, but,...then the nasty trigonometry gets into the scene and shatters your peaceful world, or the dreadful monster calculus tries to eat you up in one go. Within a second you can go from "I know this!", to "I don't even know what I don't know!!"..
The world of mathematics is definitely a bizarre place to get stuck in. People buy 72 watermelons in one go, chocolates get distributed (i mean who does that!) and farmers wish to fence their square-circular-and a bit trapezium-ish farm so we need to help them find its surface integral. What?!!
Hail thy Highness math!
I really really bow down to people who are good at it, because that's still like a distant dream to me to be doing my calculations quick and with accuracy. Such a struggle.
Not that I've always been bad at solving math. There were times when I've excelled so well,...last when I was 10 or something. LOL, I could score well and my parents had hopes on me, and now I feel happy if I'm able to speak up eight's multiplication table in one go with any error.
But one thing I must admit to is, no matter how badly I get overthrown by the subject each time I try to mess with its potency, scoring good at Math (which happens once in a blue moon) gives me that immeasurable amount of happiness that even an extra serving of pizza won't. Really.
As I put an end to this ode, a little piece of my feelings for this amazing subject..
Dear Math,
My life is turning out to be a decreasing function, and you're one of the many reasons. I see people discover their global maxima as I'm on a hard time getting out of my local minima. So I tried integrating my limited love for you, but then, as odd as it gets, I eventually got a zero.
Hope we befriend someday.
now bye.


  1. Amazing!!!
    Like seriously i started reading it and thought it would be something that all the maths students keep on complaining but that was so easy, hilarious and damn relatable!!
    Superbly written!!
    A fam of yours😁

  2. Amazing!!!
    Like seriously i started reading it and thought it would be something that all the maths students keep on complaining but that was so easy, hilarious and damn relatable!!
    Superbly written!!
    A fam of yours😁

  3. Very well written Meghna 👍
    U seem like an author in making:)

  4. Excellent meghna! Just loved it.
    Very well written!!!


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