You put the iron in ironic.

Hey there!
In this post, I wanna speak my heart on the ironic things and thinking(s) that I've of late observed to be in abundance around me. Basically, it's about all the stuff that makes me want to question people's fundamental sensibilities, and the amount of Fe they intake. (Sorry for bad puns :p) So, here are a few of them.

A person who doesn't speak much is stupid.
It's called being introvert, and that's among the 'many' kinds of people found on earth. Feel like pointing an objecting finger? Well, remember that girl/guy at school who hardly had any friends and topics to blab. The one who was often prey to your lame jokes? Yeah, now you get me. There are so many extroverts out there who believe that if you don't keep expressing yourself, that's probably because you don't have a brain to think over. Seriously? To the converse of this pre-judicial belief, those are the people who think so much on every detail, just falling short to pop off. So now you know, it's not necessary to have a say on every damn thing around , it should make sense in the first place.

People safeguarding their Gods.
To this, I just want to leave a question to those self-confessed guardians of religion. "Is your God feeble, that he needs you, his own petty creations, now to protect him?". The current events taking place round the globe are a clear evidence to the great misconception spread among people regarding the idea of religion. Ideally speaking, we may claim to be progressing, but these mishaps concerned with the wrong approach to the idea of religion, makes one realize how far we really need to go to be able to say that we're actually progressing. Almost everything around us seems to be restricted behind the walls of orthodox beliefs. We need to remember that we're in the 21st century now, and some things really need to be left behind.

Diaries abandoned, social networks filling up the vacancy.
Is this a prudent move by the menfolk pointing out to minimize the use of paper, that is eventually made of a tree? I hope so, because going by the term 'privacy', it suggests of something being limited to oneself, that ironically no longer retains its character. It takes no time to turn one's life affairs to topics of public discussion. Okay, I see how obsessed the internet users are with social networking websites, still, makes no point in displaying yourself as an open book, that anyone and everyone can glace through.

So I feel that's enough for now. Thank you so much for your precious time. Till the next time, Goodbye :)


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