
Showing posts from February, 2015

You put the iron in ironic.

Hey there! In this post, I wanna speak my heart on the ironic things and thinking(s) that I've of late observed to be in abundance around me. Basically, it's about all the stuff that makes me want to question people's fundamental sensibilities, and the amount of Fe they intake. (Sorry for bad puns :p) So, here are a few of them. A person who doesn't speak much is stupid . It's called being introvert, and that's among the 'many' kinds of people found on earth. Feel like pointing an objecting finger? Well, remember that girl/guy at school who hardly had any friends and topics to blab. The one who was often prey to your lame jokes? Yeah, now you get me. There are so many extroverts out there who believe that if you don't keep expressing yourself, that's probably because you don't have a brain to think over. Seriously? To the converse of this pre-judicial belief, those are the people who think so much on every detail, just falling sh...